Top 10 Benefits Of Branded Workwear

Top 10 Benefits Of Branded Workwear

Getting your logo or branding on workwear or uniforms is more than just printing your company emblem or graphics on a tee shirt – it’s about creating a powerful tool with ongoing benefits for both employees and business owners.

For businesses, branded workwear represents a tangible extension and valuable touchpoint for your company’s branding in what is a highly competitive marketplace. It’s a subtle yet powerful method to build brand recognition, customer trust, and ultimately drive business growth. Discover more benefits of branded workwear below!

1. Builds Brand Reputation And Recognition

For businesses, printed workwear extends your brand visibility beyond traditional marketing channels, creating consistent and ongoing opportunities for more organic brand exposure across various settings aiding in building brand awareness and trust. Building a strong, trusted brand aids immensely in achieving long-term business goals - trust is everything in business, the greater the familiarity and reputation of your brand, the easier it is to encourage repeat business and attract new customers. Branded workwear works as an extension of your brand identity, and it is one of the best ways to reinforce how employees and the wider community perceive your brand.

2. Improves Customer Relations

Enabling your staff to stand out from the crowd is a no brainer for any business no matter what industry you are in. Personalised workwear makes staff much more approachable from a customer service perspective, and customers will have no difficulty figuring out who to ask for help. They will also be able to instantly recognise staff members when approached. This also works on a competitor level - ensuring your staff and brand stand out from the competition, giving you a much-appreciated competitive advantage!

3. You Get To Set The Standard!

Providing branded workwear to your employees has the often-overlooked benefit of the business owner getting to set the standard of dress for the entire company. Whether it’s a smart-looking polo shirt, long-sleeved business shirt or cotton cargo pants, your staff appearing in branded workwear means you don’t have to worry about employees turning up wearing unsafe or inappropriate clothing. You can even use branding to distinguish between different departments, teams and job positions in an easily identifiable manner, improving communication and recognition companywide.

4. Increased Brand Awareness

The simple act of getting your brand graphics onto staff clothing is an easy and effective way of reinforcing (and building) employee and public awareness of your business. Branded clothing and promotional items have always been a popular choice for utilisation as an integral part of broader marketing strategies, adding value every time the items are worn out and about. This level of consistent and repeated exposure is difficult to achieve without continuous investment and offers valuable ongoing brand recognition opportunities in the wider community.

5. Improved Security

You might not think so, but branded workwear can provide an additional security layer by providing instant recognisability to customers, the general public, management, and other team members. This type of instant recognition is particularly beneficial in emergency situations but also under normal day-to-day operations for obvious safety reasons. Having your staff stand out from the crowd means it is possible to quickly determine who is an employee and who is not, which is especially important in larger teams working in cross-departmental situations.

6. It’s Great For Team Building!

The success of any team depends on bringing people together and building a strong, supportive environment in which they feel safe and secure enough to do their best work. Therefore, making your staff feel a sense of belonging and unity as part of the team is a key ingredient to success, this is where workwear branding comes in. Developing a sense of belonging through branded clothing has been proven to build solidarity and collaboration in the workplace while also encouraging unity.

7. Boosts Employee Morale

The strategic application of your brand can transform everyday clothing into a source of internal pride that benefits employees and business owners. If your staff feel supported, they feel a sense of belonging across the bigger picture, which helps boost morale while instilling a sense of responsibility. If staff will look and feel the part, they gain a sense of pride in their job and place of work. Providing your employees with smart-looking workwear with branding always looks more professional from the public’s perspective too, which can adjust attitudes and levels of respect. Even a simple embroidered or screen printed t-shirt, hoodie, vest or cap can be enough to achieve the desired effect.

8. Improved Safety

Minimising workplace risks and hazards is essential for any employer. Employees must be able to safely undertake their duties with the least amount of risk to their personal safety - which is exactly why many businesses provide a compulsory uniform. When daily tasks require protective workwear such as hi-vis clothing, PPE, protective headwear, and strengthened footwear, it is common practice to provide these items for employees. But going the extra mile and getting these items branded adds to professional standards within the workplace while creating a connection between these items and your business and establishing a broader sense of safety and responsibility.

9. Increased Professionalism And Credibility

Working for a business that places emphasis on the presentation of its employees goes a long way to encouraging a proactive workplace culture founded on professionalism and cohesiveness. Cohesion is essential for any business as it sends a powerful message of reliability and trust, working to help staff better represent your business with pride and professionalism, better align with business goals and deliver top-quality service to customers! Secondly, customers are likely to believe employees who wear a uniform or professionally branded clothing are more professional in their work. Resulting in the perception of better products and services (improving credibility). Keep in mind that to give off the right impression on this one, quality workwear is essential!

10. Provides A Sense Of Identity

When used strategically, employees entrusted with branded workwear instantly gain a certain sense of responsibility associated with the brand identity. They are out there wearing your brand, they are connected with the brand, and the two are linked. Which (ideally) means they will feel obligated to behave more responsibly and be more accountable while at work and when interacting in public spaces. After all, behaving disrespectfully, whether in the workplace or in public, could have serious repercussions for both the company and the employee.

Bonus Reason: It’s Cost Effective!

The use of specific company provided workwear or uniforms in the workplace significantly reduces an employee’s financial burden of having to source appropriate work clothes. While it may be an expense for the company, the many other benefits laid out in this post far outweigh the cost, and if you are already supplying workwear for employees, why not put your brand on them and advertise your business at the same time! As a business owner, combining quality workwear with a potential marketing opportunity has to be a winning formula for everyone concerned!
Looking at screen printing or embroidering your business branding on clothing, PPE, uniforms or accessories? Tradestaff Workwear are suppliers of quality workwear for all kinds of businesses, including healthcare, electrical, transport, corporate, hospitality and more! Check out our wide range of workwear now, or find out more about our clothing branding services here.


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